Regulation of trans fats in the sale of soybean oil grows
Increasingly, the sale of soybean oil for human consumption is affected by the regulation of trans fats, which results from the hydrogenation process of products
Increasingly, the sale of soybean oil for human consumption is affected by the regulation of trans fats, which results from the hydrogenation process of products
Cada vez más, la venta de aceite de soja para consumo humano se ve afectada por la regulación de las grasas trans, que resulta del
Agricultural exports from the United States to China grew with China’s economic recovery from COVID-19. In particular, the recovery generated strong demand for US agricultural
Las exportaciones agrícolas de Estados Unidos a China crecieron con la recuperación económica de China del Covid-19. En particular, la recuperación generó una fuerte demanda
The US clothing retailer Guess reported that it closed 123 stores in 2020, to directly operate 1,046. Overall, the company has reduced its dependence on
La empresa estadounidense minorista de ropa Guess informó que cerró 123 tiendas en 2020, para operar directamente 1,046. En general, la empresa ha reducido su
The Chinese company Niu Technologies reported that it sold 149,649 e-scooters in the first quarter of 2021 worldwide, an increase of 272.6% year-on-year. For the
La empresa china Niu Technologies informó que vendió 149,649 e-scooters en el primer trimestre de 2021 en todo el mundo, un aumento de 272.6% interanual.