Top 10 Exporters to China from Latin America and the Caribbean
Brazil, Chile and Peru were the top exporters to China from Latin America and the Caribbean in 2022, according to data from China’s General Administration
Brazil, Chile and Peru were the top exporters to China from Latin America and the Caribbean in 2022, according to data from China’s General Administration
Brasil, Chile y Perú fueron los principales exportadores a China desde América Latina y el Caribe en 2022, según datos de la Administración General de
A França dominou as importações mundiais de eletricidade em 2022, totalizando 16.779 milhões de dólares, um aumento de 320% em uma taxa anual, de acordo
La France a dominé les importations mondiales d’électricité en 2022, totalisant 16,779 millions de dollars, soit une hausse de 320% en rythme annuel, selon les
France dominated electricity imports worldwide in 2022, totaling 16,779 million dollars, an increase of 320% at an annual rate, according to data from the General
Francia dominó las importaciones de energía eléctrica a nivel mundial en 2022, al totalizar 16,779 millones de dólares, un aumento de 320% a tasa anual,
A China liderou as exportações de motocicletas, com um total de US$ 11,957 bilhões em 2022, uma queda de 3% em relação ao ano anterior,
La Chine est arrivée en tête des exportations de motos, avec un total de 11,957 milliards de dollars en 2022, soit une baisse de 3
China topped motorcycle exports worldwide, with a total of $11.957 billion in 2022, a 3% year-on-year drop, according to that nation’s General Administration of Customs.
Brazil, Chile and Peru were the top exporters to China from Latin America and the Caribbean in 2022, according to data from China’s General Administration
Brasil, Chile y Perú fueron los principales exportadores a China desde América Latina y el Caribe en 2022, según datos de la Administración General de
A França dominou as importações mundiais de eletricidade em 2022, totalizando 16.779 milhões de dólares, um aumento de 320% em uma taxa anual, de acordo
La France a dominé les importations mondiales d’électricité en 2022, totalisant 16,779 millions de dollars, soit une hausse de 320% en rythme annuel, selon les
France dominated electricity imports worldwide in 2022, totaling 16,779 million dollars, an increase of 320% at an annual rate, according to data from the General
Francia dominó las importaciones de energía eléctrica a nivel mundial en 2022, al totalizar 16,779 millones de dólares, un aumento de 320% a tasa anual,
A China liderou as exportações de motocicletas, com um total de US$ 11,957 bilhões em 2022, uma queda de 3% em relação ao ano anterior,
La Chine est arrivée en tête des exportations de motos, avec un total de 11,957 milliards de dollars en 2022, soit une baisse de 3
China topped motorcycle exports worldwide, with a total of $11.957 billion in 2022, a 3% year-on-year drop, according to that nation’s General Administration of Customs.