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Portada » Kimberly-Clark de M?xico: your strategy

Kimberly-Clark de México: your strategy

2 mayo, 2020
Nota Destacada
Kimberly-Clark de México (KCC) continuously carries out benchmarking processes of its plants, both among themselves, and against other similar operations of the company in the world, and the observations are quickly implemented.

Kimberly-Clark de México (KCC) continuously carries out benchmarking processes of its plants, both among themselves, and against other similar operations of the company in the world, and the observations are quickly implemented.

The company also uses a series of Key Performance Indicators to monitor various operations, study trends, and execute preventive and corrective actions in a timely manner.

From a strategic point of view, being the leader in most of the markets in which it participates in Mexico, Kimberly-Clark de México develops new products and processes to offer consumers products with higher added value.

Todas las diferencias en cuanto a precios, costos y gastos entre Kimberly-Clark de México y sus competidores son el resultado de la forma en que se realizan un sinnúmero de actividades para desarrollar, producir, vender y entregar los productos de manera más eficiente.

The company believes that operational effectiveness and efficiency, as well as a solid business strategy, are essential to achieve satisfactory results in a highly competitive global industry.

At the same time, it believes that it will be successful and will perform better than its competitors, insofar as it is able to establish and maintain a differentiation of its products.

Therefore, Kimberly-Clark de México seeks as part of its daily and long-term processes to deliver, in each of the products it offers its customers, a value higher than that of the competition or at least a similar value in its quality / price ratio.

Kimberly-Clark from Mexico

By maximizing the added value in each of the activities it carries out, KCM considers that it can offer higher value products to its clients and, therefore, achieve a higher income.

On the other hand, operational effectiveness and efficiency allows the company to obtain better costs. The combination of both aspects is what allows the company to maximize its profitability and thus create greater value for its shareholders.

All the differences in prices, costs, and expenses between Kimberly-Clark de México and its competitors are the result of the way in which countless activities are carried out to develop, produce, sell, and deliver products more efficiently.

KCM is constantly seeking to gain competitive advantage by imitating the best practices available globally.

Products and staff

One of the company’s strategies is to focus on recruiting, developing and preserving its team and having a skilled and diverse workforce. Its workforce is an important factor in developing new products, as well as providing key representative points to its consumer base. The company is committed to hiring new employees and then training them to develop their skills.

KCM is a leading company in Mexico in the production and marketing of consumer and institutional products. Over time, it has developed several brands in Mexico such as Kleenex, Pétalo, Suavel, Lys, Vogue, KleenBebé, Huggies, Kotex and Depend, among others.

The company operates 11 production plants, all located in Mexico. During 2018, approximately 93% of the company’s revenues corresponded to sales in Mexico.

Kimberly-Clark de México produces most of the products it sells and only imports a small percentage of items, the volume of sales of which does not yet justify the investment required for its local production, as well as products that it wishes to make known in the market, which incorporate technology of tip and with respect to which the company is in the process of implementing its manufacturing in Mexico.


The consumer products that the company produces and sells include a wide variety of articles for use both at home and in the workplace, rest, recreation, etc; and personal care products.

Among the former, the company markets toilet paper, napkins, facial tissues and kitchen paper towels.

As for personal care products, Kimberly-Clark de México sells disposable diapers for babies and adults, feminine protection products (feminine towels, protectors for intimate clothes and tampons), wet wipes and training pants, as well as hygiene products for the baby.

In the process of commercializing these products, KCM uses a multi-brand, multi-channel and multi-level strategy for each category directed towards different segments of each market, in order to offer each consumer the product with the best cost / benefit ratio. according to your specific needs, through both modern and traditional distribution channels.

The company also manufactures some products such as toilet paper, napkins and disposable diapers for supermarket chains and wholesalers, which are sold under brands owned by Kimberly-Clark de México or under brands owned by those customers.

