The United States government asked its counterpart in Mexico that Mexican customs broker can operate in any port.
Today, questioned the United States Trade Representation (USTR), Mexico continues to impose unjustified limits on the number of ports in which customs broker can operate.
Specifically, Article 161 of the Mexican Customs Law continues to impose a numerical limit on the number of ports in which a customs broker can operate if the customs agent is not part of a customs agency.
«The United States continues to discuss with Mexico the possibility of amending the law to allow brokers to operate at any port where the broker is capable of performing his or her duties,» said the USTR in its report Foreign Trade Barriers 2021.
Customs broker
In accordance with Article 161, the customs broker’s patent entitles the holder to act before an assigned customs office; However, the customs agent may request authorization from the Tax Administration Service (SAT) to act in a customs office in addition to the one assigned by which the patent was granted.
Likewise, the customs authorities must grant the authorization within a period of no more than two months, provided that the customs agent demonstrates that he is up to date in complying with his tax obligations.
In no case may a customs agent be authorized to carry out dispatches in more than three customs offices in addition to the one assigned to him.
When the customs agent expressly renounces a customs office that was authorized in accordance with the above, he may submit a request to be authorized to act in another customs office.
In the cases of deletion of any customs, the customs agents assigned or authorized to it, may request its readscription to the SAT.
In addition, the customs agent may act in customs other than those of his assignment or those that have been authorized, when promoting the clearance for the internal transit regime of goods that are going to be or have been destined to another customs regime in customs of its affiliation or in the others that it has authorized.