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IMEF Manufacturing Indicator remains in expansion zone

1 julio, 2021
El Indicador IMEF Manufacturero en junio no registró cambio con respecto a mayo y permaneció en 52.4 unidades, con lo cual se mantuvo en zona de expansión por cuarto mes consecutivo. The IMEF Manufacturing Indicator in June did not register change with respect to May and remained at 52.4 units, thus remaining in the expansion zone for the fourth consecutive month.

The IMEF Manufacturing Indicator of Mexico did not register a change in June compared to May and remained at 52.4 units, thus remaining in the expansion zone for the fourth consecutive month.

Its trend-cycle series increased 0.4 points to settle at 52.4 units and register five consecutive months in the expansion zone.

For its part, the Indicator adjusted by company size decreased 2.2 points to close at 54.9 units, remaining in the expansion zone for the twelfth consecutive month.

IMEF Manufacturing Indicator

During June, three of the five components of the Manufacturing Indicator registered decreases.

The Production sub-index fell 4.3 points to 53.7 units and remained in the expansion zone for six months in a row.

Meanwhile, the New Orders sub-index fell 3.2 points to close at 54.4 units and thus remained in the expansion zone for the fifth month.

The Employment sub-index decreased 2.2 points to close at 51.9 units and remained in the expansion zone for five consecutive months.

For its part, the Product Delivery sub-index increased 3.1 units to 51.1 points, to move to the expansion zone, after six months in the contraction zone.

Finally, the Inventories sub-index registered an increase of 3.0 points to close at 51.4 units, thus moving into the expansion zone, since the series was revised downwards in the previous months.


“The results of the IMEF Indicator confirm that the improvement in economic activity continued during June, but at a slower pace than in the previous month. Given the upward and downward variations that the manufacturing and non-manufacturing indicators have shown in recent months, the trend-cycle series are useful to infer the direction of economic activity in the short term, «said the Institute in its report. monthly.

For its part, the IMEF Non-Manufacturing Indicator registered a 0.5 point decrease in June to close at 53.8 units and remain in the expansion zone for the fourth month.

The IMEF Indicator ranges from 0 to 100 points and the level of 50 points represents the threshold between an expansion (junior to 50) and a contraction (less than 50) of economic activity.

In principle, when the index is above the threshold, an increase is interpreted as a sign of a more rapid future expansion; when the index is below the threshold, an increase is interpreted as a sign of a slower future contraction.

However, the indicator does not provide specific information on the magnitude of the expected changes.