10th of March, 2025

Portada » SIAP and Fortune Growers will boost sales of agricultural products from Mexico

SIAP and Fortune Growers will boost sales of agricultural products from Mexico

14 septiembre, 2021
La Secretaría de Economía jerarquizó al sector agroalimentario como uno de los cinco sectores estratégicos de la nueva política industrial de México. The Ministry of Economy ranked the agrifood sector as one of the five strategic sectors of Mexico's new industrial policy.

The Agrifood and Fisheries Information Service (SIAP, of the Mexican government) and the Fortune Growers company will implement a pilot project that will seek to grow the network of small and medium farmers in Mexico.

SIAP is a decentralized administrative body of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (SADER),

The project is supported by the Shared Risk Trust (FIRCO).

For its part, Fortune Growers is a company founded in the United States that grows its products in Mexico and exports them to the North American market.

According to a statement from SADER, said company uses state-of-the-art technology to provide high-quality products and support its network of farmers.

Fortune growers

With this, the SIAP through the application «Agro Offer», generates a link that brings small and medium farmers closer to large companies so that they can market and export their product, without intermediaries.

Agro Offer was conceived as a digital platform for interactive consultation to directly and timely locate agricultural, livestock or fishery products and learn first-hand, their characteristics, availability and prices, for a more agile and dynamic commercial exchange.

«In a simple, fast and efficient way, Agro Offer puts producers and consumers in direct contact in any region of Mexico or abroad for the commercialization of products from the agri-food and fishing sector,» says the statement.

Thus, it is expected that with the support of FIRCO, and following the regional development scheme, through the Rural Transformation Center (CTR), producers can be supported and promoted, this being the interest of Fortune Growers.

“That is why Lic. Patricia Ornelas Ruiz, Chief Director of SIAP, Mtro. Francisco Javier Delgado, General Director of FIRCO, and Luis Solarte, director of Fortune Growers, will work hand in hand to achieve tangible results that allow Agro Offer and Mexican producers to grow ”, the statement concluded.