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Portada » Employees at the CFE drop 2% in 2021

Employees at the CFE drop 2% in 2021

28 febrero, 2022
En número de empleados en la CFE de México disminuyeron a una tasa de 2.1% interanual en 2021, a 87,690. The number of employees in the CFE of Mexico decreased at a rate of 2.1% year-on-year in 2021, to 87,690.

The number of employees at the CFE (Federal Electricity Commission) of Mexico decreased at a rate of 2.1% year-on-year in 2021, to 87,690.

In broken down form, the CFE recorded the following results, with annual rates: its number of «workers» fell 2.6% (to 69,119), that of «employees» contracted 0.1% (to 17,638) and that of «civil servants» fell 0.9% (at 933).

Under the National Development Plan, the Government intends to provide resources to the CFE to modernize its infrastructure and alleviate certain fiscal burdens.

But in 2021, the CFE registered a net loss of 70,279 million pesos, 10.9% higher compared to its negative balance in 2020.

Its income reached 565,687 million pesos, a growth of 12.5%, at an annual rate.

In January 2021, the CFE published its 2021-2025 business plan. The plan aims, among other objectives, to increase CFE’s productivity to prioritize electricity supply, maintain CFE’s majority stake in electricity generation nationwide, contribute to sustainable development and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase and diversify CFE’s income through the development of new businesses and improve CFE’s financial profitability and cash flow, guaranteeing the availability of operating and investment resources.

The plan also provides for the construction, subject to the approval of the CFE governing bodies, of six combined cycle power plants located in strategic regions that are expected to be operational in 2024.

The company obtained subsidies for 70,279 million pesos in 2021.

Employees at the CFE

The company supplies electricity service to 99.21% of the national population.

Likewise, the CFE obtained an average annual variation rate of total sales (not including exports) of 2.8% in the period 2010-2021, with a decrease in December 2021 of 0.2% compared to December 2020, considering the central zone. from the country.

The number of users served, including the central area as of 2010, registers an average annual variation rate of 4.8% for the period 2010-2021, obtaining 46.6 million customers as of December 2021, which corresponds to a 2.2% growth compared to as of December 2020.

As of December 2021, there is a Generation infrastructure of: 59,560,596 MW of Real Installed Capacity, operating with 162 CFE Power Plants and 33 Independent Power Producers (PIE); 494 CFE generating units, in addition to 100 PIE (94 combined cycle and the 6 packages of the Oaxaca Wind Power Plants that are made up of 410 units), obtaining an accumulated Gross Generation as of December of 224,163,484 GWh (includes the Energy Delivered by FEET).

The CFE has a policy of granting retirement pensions, which cover staff. It grants defined benefit pensions, which were granted to personnel who began their employment relationship up to August 18, 2008, and a defined contribution pension plan for our workers whose employment relationship began from August 19, 2008 onwards.


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