The facilities of Exportadora de Sal (ESSA) in Guerrero Negro, Mexico, constitute the largest open-pit sea salt production plant in the world.
In its 62 years of life, millions of tons of salt have been crystallized, taking advantage of the available resources that nature offers: seawater, solar energy, waterproof floors and wind.
First of all, ESSA was incorporated on April 7, 1954 by public deed number 4,625, before the 100th public notary, José Mancebo Benfield, as a private initiative company.
It is from 1976 when it becomes a Parastatal Entity with majority state participation, as the current shareholding structure of 51% is in favor of the Mexican Federal Government through the Mining Development Trust, and 49% in the hands of Mitsubishi Corporation, a company of foreign capital.
Then, on December 24, 2008, through public deed number 961, of Notary Public number 21, Marcos Rogelio Espinoza Cota, ESSA merged its subsidiary company, Transportadora de Sal, whose purpose was to transport sea salt produced by the Company to Cedar Island.
As of that date, the assets, liabilities and workers of the subsidiary are incorporated into the assets, liabilities and workers of ESSA.
The main activity of Exportadora de Sal is the production, transportation and sale of sea salt, in an approximate area of 80,453 hectares of land located in the salt flats of Guerrero Negro, Baja California Sur, for which a contract was signed for the exploration and exploitation of salt flats with the Mining Development Commission.
As of August 25, 1992, the agreement by which the assignments of the Mining Development Commission of the Guerrero Negro salt flats are canceled and assigned directly to Exportadora de Sal was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation.
Within the surface concessioned to the company for the production and exploitation of salt, there are 36,185 hectares, owned by ejido communities in the region, a situation for which temporary occupation agreements are made with the ejidatarios for the temporary use of those lands, In addition to the ejido land, within the concession surface under the protection of the mining concessions, there are lands owned by the federal government, where the company has built all its facilities and the houses that are assigned to officials and employees.