The Federal Economic Competition Commission (Cofece) of Mexico authorized the concentration between Walmart de México and Grupo Gazpro.
Walmart de México entered into an agreement with the company Gazpro for the start-up of gasoline service stations, through a third party that will invest and operate co-branded gas stations, under strict operating and price standards, which will be located in the parking lots of some of its units throughout Mexico.
This project will allow Walmart de México to continue expanding its value proposition to its customers.
Likewise, some of the service stations will have small adjoining stores, to make it even more convenient for customers to load gasoline, make purchases or even pick up purchases made on their digital platforms through pickup, thus offering them a new omnichannel shopping experience.
Walmart de México
The company has opened at least three gas station stores; one of them was built using used shipping containers and is 90% powered by solar energy.
Among other characteristics that gas station stores have are:
- Brands: Walmart, Bodega and Sams’s Club.
- They have 40-70 m2 sales floor.
- They have ~500 SKUs.
On January 4, 2022, Nueva Wal-Mart de México (Wal-Mart) and Grupo Gazpro notified Cofece of their intention to hold a merger, in accordance with the provisions of article 90 of the Federal Economic Competence Law (LFCE). ).
Later, on January 28, 2022, Inmobiliaria Carpir, Arrendadora de Centros Comerciales (ACC), Bocasa Bienes Raíces, (BOCASA), Cardona Real Estate Developer (PIC), Bienes Raíces Petrarca (BRP) adhered to the concentration notification procedure processed.
A concentration is the merger, acquisition of control or any act by virtue of which companies, associations, shares, partnerships, trusts or assets in general are brought together between competitors, suppliers, customers or any other economic agents.
Cofece is an autonomous constitutional body with legal personality and its own assets, whose constitutional mandate is to promote, protect and guarantee competition and free market access, as well as to prevent, investigate and combat monopolistic practices, illicit concentrations and other restrictions on efficient operation. of the markets.