Wheat imports to Mexico grew at an interannual rate of 40.3% in the first half of 2022, to 1.1 billion dollars.
As soon as Russia‘s invasion of Ukraine began, wheat prices soared, due to the fact that Russia is the largest exporter of this grain in the world, with external sales of 7.3 billion dollars in 2021 (a 12.9% share of world exports) and Ukraine ranks fifth, with sales of 4.72 billion (an 8.3% share).
Wheat imports
Also during the first half of this year, Mexico imported corn for a customs value of 2,792 million dollars, with an inter-annual increase of 10.8%, according to data from the Bank of Mexico (Banxico).
Soybean is another outstanding product within Mexican imports, which totaled in this case 2,147 million dollars in the first half of 2022, which implies a 21.8% year-on-year growth.
In fact, corn, soybeans and wheat, in descending order, are the agricultural products most imported by Mexico in terms of value.
According to the information registered in the Mexican Foreign Trade Digital Window, a unique platform for the control of commercial certifications for imports carried out by Senasica, the customs through which the largest volume of agricultural products were imported were: Nuevo Laredo with 7.9 million tons, Veracruz with 6.0 million tons and Ciudad Juarez with 5.6 million tons.
Likewise, the main imported products are corn with 14.3 million tons, soybeans with 5.1 million tons and wheat with 4.2 million tons.
The Ministry of Agriculture reported that a total of 1,860 shipments were rejected for non-compliance with sanitary provisions, which represented 0.69% of the inspected shipments, specifying that in order to mitigate the phytosanitary risk derived from these non-compliances, the destruction or return to the country of origin was ordered.
Regarding bread wheat, between September 2021 and June 2022, incentives were granted to 6,843 producers for 374.1 million pesos, for 935,755 tons, resulting in an average additional income of 54,665 pesos per producer with an average of 136.7 tons supported per producer.
Between September 2021 and June 2022, incentives were given to 2,211 producers of crystalline wheat for 20.7 million pesos, for 206,356 tons, resulting in an additional income of 9,361 pesos per producer, with an average of 93.3 tons per producer.