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Hydrocarbon Exploration and Extraction Contracts: Investments

16 septiembre, 2022
La inversión ejercida por los Contratos para Exploración y Extracción de Hidrocarburos (CEE) adjudicados en México totaliza 7,994 millones de dólares. The investment exercised by the Hydrocarbon Exploration and Extraction Contracts (CEE) awarded in Mexico totaled US$7,994 million.

The investment exercised by the Hydrocarbon Exploration and Extraction Contracts (CEE) awarded in Mexico totals 7,994 million dollars.

This amount corresponds to the period from September 2015 to June 2022 and to contracts awarded in bidding rounds.

According to information from the Ministry of Energy (Sener), Mexico has a total of 109 CEEs in force at the end of June 2022, of which 101 were awarded through bidding rounds, three strategic partnership awards with Pemex (FarmOut), four partnership migrations (formerly Integral Contracts for Exploration and Production) and one contract for migration without an assignment partner.

From September 2021 to June 2022, the National Hydrocarbons Commission (CNH) authorized one Assignment of Corporate and Management Control, and Control of Operations, as well as four Assignments of Corporate and Management Control, with respect to the current CEEs, subject to Sener’s approval.

On September 30, 2021, the Evaluation of the Execution of the Five-Year Bidding Plan for Contract Areas 2020-2024 was published in the official website of the Sener.

With the technical opinion of the CNH, possible areas to bid were identified, considering an inventory of 172 remaining areas for the distribution of blocks for exploration and extraction, of which 113 are located offshore and 59 in onshore areas of conventional resources.

Sener indicated that these areas consider hydrocarbon exploration and extraction activities in 168 areas, while four areas contemplate only the extraction of the remaining volume of fields.

Extraction Contracts

In the period from January to June of this year, 30 CEE of the 101 in force awarded in bidding rounds reported an average production of 59.8 thousand barrels per day (Mbd) of oil and 102.8 million cubic feet per day (MMcfd) of natural gas (without nitrogen).

Regarding the status of the CEEs of bidding rounds, contract CNH-R01-L03-A19/2016 remains suspended due to environmental issues, while contracts CNH-R01-L04-A2. CPP/2016 and CNH-R01-L01-A2/2015 concluded before the CNH with the process of early termination due to resignation of the entire Contractual Area during the months of February and June 2022 respectively.

With respect to the contractual stage of the CEEs in force from bidding rounds, at the close of June 2022, 71 contracts are in the exploration stage; one has the exploration and evaluation stages; eight have been positioned in the evaluation stage only; and 21 are already in the full development stage.


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