13th of March, 2025

Portada » Actions to promote suppliers in Mexico

Actions to promote suppliers in Mexico

29 septiembre, 2021
Les importations de pièces automobiles aux États-Unis atteignent un niveau record

The Mexican government highlighted a series of actions it has taken to promote national suppliers in industrial production.

This occurs in a context in which Mexico‘s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew 6.0% annualized in the second quarter of 2021.

However, the monthly GDP proxy slowed in the third quarter. The consensus GDP growth forecast for 2021 (fourth quarter/fourth quarter), prepared by the Bank of Mexico, remained at 3.9% in August.

For the incorporation of national suppliers into global value chains, the federal government supported companies that seek to increase their purchases from local suppliers, through consultations with 10 business organizations and information from 135 suppliers for 33 products.

At the end of the first semester of 2021, 13 suppliers were registered and five more were in the evaluation process.


From September to June 2021, the following actions were carried out:

  • The export of new light motor vehicles to Argentina was promoted by assigning quotas with an exempt tariff to that country for 296 million dollars, 3% more than in the same previous period.
  • On October 6, 2020, a virtual session of the Aerospace Industry Advisory Council was held with the participation of representatives of the private sector, academia and other agencies in order to analyze the challenges that this industry faces due to the pandemic and the opportunities that Mexico can take advantage of to accelerate its recovery, such as the relocation of companies and the development of national suppliers.
  • As part of the trade facilitation actions to boost the competitiveness of the industries, from September 2020 to June 2021, permits were issued to import inputs, parts and components with preferential tariffs, necessary in the production of final goods of heavy industries and of high technology for 5,186.12 million dollars. The permits were distributed as follows: automotive and auto parts 75.2%, electronics 17.9%, transportation 3.1%, electrical manufactures 2.7%, and heavy goods 1.1 percent.