13 de Marzo, 2025

Portada » Ricardo Ahued Bardahuil resigns from the General Administration of Customs

Ricardo Ahued Bardahuil resigns from the General Administration of Customs

23 abril, 2020
Nota Destacada
Ricardo Ahued Bardahuil submitted his resignation on Wednesday as head of the General Administration of Customs (AGA), according to the newspaper Reforma.

Ricardo Ahued Bardahuil submitted his resignation on Wednesday as head of the General Administration of Customs (AGA), according to the newspaper Reforma.

Ahued Bardahuil replaced Ricardo Peralta Saucedo, who left the AGA in May 2019, when he was appointed as the new undersecretary of the Interior, replacing Zoé Robledo.

Ahued Bardahuil is a licensed Senator from Morena and may join the Upper House.

He was born in Pachuca de Soto, Hidalgo, on April 18, 1957. He is a Mexican businessman and politician, member of the National Regeneration Movement party (MORENA).

As a member of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) he was mayor of Xalapa-Enríquez (2005-2007), federal deputy (2009-2012), local deputy of Veracruz (2013 – 2016) 2 and in the elections of July 1 he was elected as senator for MORENA, along with Rocío Nahle García and Julen Rementería from the State of Veracruz.

Ahued Bardauil is a senator from Veracruz elected by the principle of relative majority and his substitute is Ernesto Pérez Astorga. He is part of the Foreign Relations, Asia-Pacific-Africa (as secretary), Economy, Finance and Public Credit, Justice and Water Resources committees in the Senate.

He has also served as general manager of a household goods store.

His appointment at the AGA was controversial due to his inexperience in the subject and because his maximum academic degree was high school.

Ahued Bardahuil

The AGA, a dependency of the Tax Administration Service (SAT), is the entity in charge, among other things, of facilitating and controlling the entry and exit of merchandise from Mexican territory, as well as collecting tariffs and other trade rights.

Customs procedures in Mexico are governed by the Customs Law and its Regulations, by the General Rules of Foreign Trade, published every year by the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP), and by an Agreement of the Ministry of Economy. The legal framework also includes legislation that regulates national taxes, such as import taxes.

