10th of March, 2025

Portada » Aleatica invests 1.48 mdp in the Atizap?n-Atlacomulco highway

Aleatica invests 1.48 mdp in the Atizapán-Atlacomulco highway

22 julio, 2020
The construction of the Atizapán-Atlacomulco highway was contributed with 1,548 million pesos of investment in 2019, according to the company Aleatica.

The construction of the Atizapán-Atlacomulco highway was contributed with 1,548 million pesos of investment in 2019, according to the company Aleatica.

The high specification highway, Atizapán-Atlacomulco begins at Km. 19 + 620 of the Chiluca junction, located at Km. 14 + 500 of the Chamapa-Lechería Highway and ends at Km. 100 + 046 of the Entronque Atlacomulco junction, located at the confluence of the Atlacomulco-Maravatío Freeways, North Libramiento of Mexico City and the Atlacomulco-Palmillas Federal Highway, in the State of Mexico.

The company has a 100% participation in Concessionaire AT-AT, which is the holder of a Concession granted by the Federal Government, through the SCT, with a validity of 30 years from the date of signature of the title of concession to build, operate, exploit, preserve and maintain a 77.2 km toll highway known as the Atizapán-Atlacomulco Highway in the State of Mexico.

The Atizapán-Atlacomulco highway captured practically all of the investment made by Aleatica in 2019, since it only injected an additional 19 million pesos into the Bicentennial Viaduct.

The work will comprise four lanes (two in each direction of movement) and will include the construction of three junctions, two tunnels, twelve viaducts and several overpasses. The connectivity of the metropolitan area of ​​Mexico City with northern and western Mexico is expected to improve.

According to the plans until the end of 2018, this project will require an estimated investment of 12,412 million pesos to be financed through a combination of debt and equity. Construction began during the second half of 2016 and by then it was estimated that it would start operations in the second half of 2020.

Atizapán-Atlacomulco Highway

In September 2017, the Concessionaire entered into a simple credit opening agreement for a maximum amount of $ 5,310 million Pesos with an initial term of 10 years, extendable to a maximum term of 20 years and at an interest rate equivalent to the TIIE plus a growing financial margin of between 275 and 350 basis points during the first 8 years of the loan.

Investment of Aleatica

This operation was carried out with a bank union made up of Banco Santander, Banobras and Banco Inbursa.

The resources of this loan will be used to partially finance the investment for the construction and commissioning of the Atizapán-Atlacomulco Highway.

