9th of March, 2025

Portada » Alibaba serves 1.31 billion consumers

Alibaba serves 1.31 billion consumers

9 agosto, 2022
Para el año fiscal 2022, concluido el 31 de marzo, Alibaba sirvió a 1,310 millones de consumidores activos anuales aproximadamente. For fiscal 2022, ended March 31, Alibaba served approximately 1.31 billion annual active consumers.

For fiscal 2022, ended March 31, a private chinese consortium Alibaba served approximately 1.31 billion annual active consumers.

The company provided these services through its global consumer-facing businesses in the Alibaba Ecosystem, including more than 1 billion in China and 305 million consumers outside China.

Total transacted VGM in the Alibaba Ecosystem was RMB8,317 million ($1,312 million) for FY2022, which included RMB7,976 million ($1,258 million) of VGM generated by its consumer-facing businesses in China, including those in the China commerce, local consumer services and digital media and entertainment segments, and $54 billion of VGM generated by its international commerce retail business.

Financial results f Alibaba

What is VGM? It refers to the value of confirmed orders for products and services on Alibaba’s marketplaces, regardless of how or if the buyer and seller settle the transaction.

The company also serves millions of businesses through its cloud business, and many of its customers are reputed industry leaders in their respective verticals.

In FY2022, Alibaba Cloud served more than 60% of China’s listed companies.


The company serves a large and growing consumer base in both large cities and less developed areas.

Thus, the annual active consumers of the retail commerce business in China reached 903 million in the twelve months ended March 31, 2022.

More than 70% of the new annual active consumers in FY2022 came from less developed areas.

The company believes its platforms appeal to a growing and increasingly diverse consumer base at various income levels, in addition to addressing the changing needs of its existing consumers.

Taobao Deals offers consumers value-for-money products and achieved rapid user growth in FY2022.

Taobao Deals’ annual active consumers exceeded 300 million in the 12 months ended March 31, 2022.

More than 20% of these annual active Taobao Deals consumers were users who had never shopped on Taobao or Tmall.

Taocaicai offers consumers next-day pick-up services for a wide range of groceries and fresh produce at neighborhood pick-up points.

More than 50% of Taocaicai‘s annual active consumers in the 12 months ended March 31, 2022 were first-time fresh produce shoppers on our various platforms.


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