9th of March, 2025

Portada » Am?rica M?vil grows in subscribers in Mexico

América Móvil grows in subscribers in Mexico

3 mayo, 2022
América Móvil informó que la cantidad de suscriptores inalámbricos de prepagos en México para 2021 aumentó 4.3%. América Móvil reported that the number of prepaid wireless subscribers in Mexico for 2021 increased 4.3%.

América Móvil reported that the number of prepaid wireless subscribers in Mexico for 2021 increased 4.3% compared to 2020.

At the same time, the number of postpaid wireless subscribers increased 0.1 percent.

As a result, the company had an increase in the total number of wireless subscribers in Mexico of 3.5%, or 2.7 million, to approximately 80.5 million as of December 31, 2021.

Financial results of the company

América Móvil reported that the number of prepaid wireless subscribers in Mexico for 2021 increased 4.3% compared to 2020.

Operating income from the segment in Mexico for 2021 growthed 4.7% compared to 2020.

Meanwhile, adjusted segment operating income for 2021 increased 5.0% over 2020. This increase in segment operating income primarily reflects an increase in sales of prepaid, postpaid and equipment and terminal financing plans.

Segment operating income for 2021 growthed 9.8% over 2020. Adjusted segment operating income for 2020 increased 11.9% over 2020.

Segment operating margin was 32.0% in 2021, compared to 30.5% in 2020. Adjusted segment operating margin for this segment was 39.1% in 2021, compared to 36.7% in 2020.

This increase in the operating margin of the segment for 2021 mainly reflects the success of its corporate cost savings program in operations, network optimization and maintenance costs, which the company continues to successfully implement without affecting the quality of its services and coverage.

América Móvil

The number of number of fixed voice revenue-generating units (RGUs) in Mexico for 2021 decreased 4.6% compared to 2020, and the number of broadband RGUs in Mexico increased 0.3%, resulting in a decrease in total fixed RGUs in Mexico from 2.4% compared to 2020, or 517,000, to approximately 21.4 million as of December 31, 2021.

Segment operating income for 2021 increased 11.8% over 2020.

Meanwhile, adjusted segment operating income for 2021 was up 11.9% from 2020.

Overall, this increase in segment operating income reflects an increase in corporate network services by 2.8% and in broadband by 3.2%, which was partially offset by a decrease in fixed voice revenues of 2.6%.


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