6th of March, 2025


Antidumping and countervailing measures in Mexico

8 marzo, 2023
Exportaciones digitales: países líderes

The International Trade Practices Unit (UPCI) applies antidumping, countervailing and safeguard measures in Mexico considering the following deadlines.

Within the Ministry of Economy, the UPCI is the authority in charge of carrying out investigations on dumping, subsidies and safeguards, as well as proposing the application (or not) of antidumping, countervailing and safeguard measures.

The opinion of the Foreign Trade Commission (Cocex) is taken into account before duties are applied.

In investigations on unfair international trade practices and safeguard measures, the Ministry of Economy has a term of 25 days to accept the request and initiate the investigation (through an initiation resolution published in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF), or a term of 17 days to request further information or data from the applicant, which must be provided within a term of 20 days from the receipt of the request (prevention).

If the UPCI considers that the information is satisfactory, it issues the initial resolution; if the required elements and data are not provided in due time and form, the request is rejected and the applicant is notified.

Antidumping measures

If an investigation is initiated, the following day the Ministry of Economy notifies the interested parties of which it has knowledge and grants them a period of 23 days from the date of receipt of the responses to the official questionnaire to submit their arguments, information and evidence.

The Ministry of Economy issues a preliminary resolution within 90 days from the day following the publication of the resolution to initiate the investigation, which is published in the DOF and notified to the interested parties known to it.

The draft final resolution must be submitted to the Cocex for its opinion and published in the DOF within 210 days from the day following the day after the publication in the DOF of the resolution to initiate the investigation.

During the 2017-2021 period, Mexico initiated 28 antidumping investigations, less than in the 2012-2016 period (November), when 34 investigations had been initiated.

Most of the investigations initiated involved products from China (39.3%), the European Union (14.3%), the United States (10.7%), Japan (7.1%) and the Republic of Korea (7.1 percent). During the period under review, Mexico imposed 28 measures.


Redacción Opportimes