9th of March, 2025

Portada » Audiovisual production in Mexico City: 1,000 projects

Audiovisual production in Mexico City: 1,000 projects

11 abril, 2024
Produção audiovisual na Cidade do México: 1.000 projectos

Mexico City has become the main center of audiovisual production in Latin America, according to the government of the capital of Mexico.

The official data is that there are more than 1,000 annual projects in this industry.

What is the audiovisual industry? This industry is constantly evolving, both due to technological advances and the emergence of new formats.

This industry includes the creation of television programs, movies, live events, online videos, commercials, documentaries and content for social networks, among others.

From 2019 to 2023, the Mexico City government granted 28,444 permits, of which 21,638 generated revenues of 111 million 494,252 pesos.

The government also created the Statistical Yearbook of the Audiovisual Industry, a publication that contains the main indicators in the field and of which it has four editions.

The government has also provided 246 grants to audiovisual creators, derived from 42 calls for proposals.

At the same time, the alternative film exhibition circuit, the audiovisual literacy project and the training of community audiovisual producers were created.

Audiovisual production

In March 2023, Canacine granted recognition for the city’s leadership in the audiovisual industry, for being one of the metropolises with the largest number of films in the world.

In April 2023, the Motion Picture Association (MPA), the voice of the major international cultural industries, presented Mexico City with the Public Policy Award 2023, in recognition of the actions implemented in favor of the film, television and broadcasting industry that have consolidated Mexico City as the audiovisual capital of Latin America.


2022 highlights the investment generated by the audiovisual industry, which exceeded 656 million dollars and benefited the creation of 127,549 jobs, which translated into an increase of 22.5% compared to the generation of employment in the film industry in 2019.

Likewise, the Filming Statistical Yearbook 2022 highlights that 786,806 people develop activities in the audiovisual industry and on average, 610 people are employed in each project.

During the current administration, the Faro Cosmos was inaugurated, a project that opened its doors in March 2021 in the emblematic site previously occupied by the Cine Cosmos.