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Portada » Bachoco: How many chickens, eggs and pigs do you produce?

Bachoco: How many chickens, eggs and pigs do you produce?

23 mayo, 2022
Bachoco produjo más de 12.1 millones de pollos por semana en 2021, y sus granjas de postura produjeron cerca de 13,400 toneladas de huevo por mes. Bachoco produced more than 12.1 million chickens per week in 2021, and its laying farms produced close to 13,400 tons of eggs per month.

Bachoco produced more than 12.1 million chickens per week in 2021, and its laying farms produced close to 13,400 tons of eggs per month.

Six of its 20 feed plants are dedicated to the production of balanced feed for sale to third parties and the remaining 15 produce feed for internal consumption.

With this infrastructure, Bachoco produced about 40,000 tons of balanced feed per month for sale to third parties in 2021.

In addition, the company processed around 13,250 pigs per week.

Bachoco produjo más de 12.1 millones de pollos por semana en 2021, y sus granjas de postura produjeron cerca de 13,400 toneladas de huevo por mes.
Photo: Bachoco.

Bachoco owns other facilities, including two composting plants, and a laboratory for vaccines and medicines for the poultry industry (and for other industries such as livestock), mainly used for self-consumption, but with a small participation in the sale of these products to third parties.

In short, the company owns and manages more than 1,000 facilities, organized into nine production complexes and more than 80 distribution centers in Mexico, in addition to a production complex in the United States.

Bachoco is the leader in the Mexican poultry industry and, according to WATTPoultry, one of the largest poultry producers worldwide.

In 2011, the company entered the US chicken market through its acquisition of OK Foods.


On January 24, 2022, the company acquired 100% of the shares of RYC Alimentos, a multi-protein processor and distributor with production operations in Puebla, Mexico.

This operation was approved by the Federal Economic Competition Commission (Cofece) and its purchase price was 1,251.5 million pesos.

The agreement contemplates the acquisition of two plants located in Puebla, Puebla, as well as its scheme of approximately 21 stores located in four states of the Mexican Republic (Puebla, Oaxaca, Veracruz and Tlaxcala).

In 2020, Bachoco acquired 54.8% of the capital stock of SASA, a pork processing and distribution company with operations in the states of Sonora and Jalisco.

Earlier, in 2019, the company continued with its organic growth plans and productivity projects to improve its efficiency and alleviate bottlenecks, thus increasing production, in some of its production centers.

For example, Bachoco increased its growth capacity, improved its productivity and hatchery capacity, and made various improvements to its processing plants. It also replaced part of the fleet in all its business units.


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