24th of March, 2025

Portada » Bodega Aurrer?: the largest retailer in Mexico

Bodega Aurrerá: the largest retailer in Mexico

13 septiembre, 2022
La consommation privée au Mexique augmente en termes réels

Walmart de México y Centroamérica (Walmex) highlighted that its Bodega Aurrerá format is the largest retailer in Mexico.

Bodega has been a key player in the growth of on-demand and is offering the service in 430 stores: 66% of the large Bodegas and 40 Mi Bodegas.

By expanding the service to more stores, Walmaex said it is reaching more customers and its on-time indicator exceeded 90 percent.

Participación en ventas netas por formato en México

In particular, Bodegas and discount stores are austere self-service stores that offer basic merchandise, food and household items at the best price.

Bodega was the fastest-growing format. In the last four quarters ended June 2022, the format has consistently widened its price differential and the second quarter of 2022 was no exception; it managed to increase its price differential against competitors by 140 basis points.

Walmex indicated that Bodega has made progress. For example, the format continued to execute and evolve its customer-centric strategy; it managed to reach an all-time high in price differential.

Bodega Aurrerá

Bodega is also optimizing the catalog to ensure it has a better assortment that includes a relevant share of «Our Brands», and is redesigning the customer experience in the Perishables categories to continue to drive traffic in its stores.

In Central America, the challenging environment had a direct impact on the purchasing power of the general population. For them, Walmex continues to adjust its catalogs and invest in pricing, mainly in its Bodega and Discount formats, and to improve its productivity through the use of technology and the simplification of its business.

Through its Everyday Low Prices value proposition, Bodegas and discount stores offer perishables, groceries, consumables, general merchandise and household goods at the best prices in the market.

Now it is also doing so online with a wide assortment of general merchandise on its website and On Demand with same-day delivery.

As of this date, the commercial names of the different Walmex business formats in Mexico such as Bodega Aurrerá, Mi Bodega Aurrerá, Bodega Aurrerá Express, Prichos, Cashi más que efectivo and BAIT are brands owned by Wal-Mart de México, as well as the brands Aurrera, Medimart, Atvio, etc.


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