9th of March, 2025

Portada » Brazilian Customs advance in the Single Import Declaration (DUIMP)

Brazilian Customs advance in the Single Import Declaration (DUIMP)

6 julio, 2021
El Gobierno de Brasil continúa avanzando en el proceso de operar en sus aduanas la Declaración Única de Importación (DUIMP). The Government of Brazil continues to advance in the process of operating in its customs the Single Import Declaration (DUIMP).

The Brazilian Government continues to advance in the process of operating the Single Import Declaration (DUIMP) in its customs.

In essence, the DUIMP will be the only document that customs requires to import.

The DUIMP will be part of the Foreign Trade Single Window Program.

Since 2014, the Brazilian government has worked to streamline foreign trade procedures and formalities within the framework of the Single Window.

This program focuses on improving interventions and information flows between all stakeholders involved in the import, export and transit of goods.

Unless they enjoy an exemption, commercial imports must be declared in the Integrated Foreign Trade System (SISCOMEX), which has been redesigned to become a consolidated single window system for merchandise trade.


Additionally, the Foreign Trade Single Window Program will include a catalog module for imported products, in which their characteristics will be described, through data sheets, drawings and catalogs, for example.

From the perspective of the Brazilian government, this will allow you to better review the correct tariff classifications during the customs clearance process.

Brazilian economy

In the external scenario, fiscal and monetary stimuli in some developed countries promote a robust recovery in economic activity.

Due to the presence of inactivity, the communication of the main central banks suggests that the monetary stimuli will be durable.

However, uncertainty remains high and a new round of questioning by the markets about inflationary risks in these economies could make the environment challenging for emerging countries.

Regarding the Brazilian economic activity, despite the intensity of the second wave of the pandemic, recent indicators continue to show a more positive evolution than expected, which implies relevant revisions in growth projections.

Overall, the risks to the economic recovery have been significantly reduced.

At the same time, the different measures of underlying inflation are above the range compatible with the achievement of the inflation target.

Inflation expectations for 2021, 2022 and 2023 calculated by the Focus survey are around 5.8, 3.8 and 3.25%, respectively.