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Business opportunities in the United States: Icex

21 julio, 2020
The business opportunities in the United States are wide and varied, both for being the largest importer of products in the world, the first global economy and one of the most diversified markets in the world.

The business opportunities in the United States are wide and varied, both for being the largest importer of products in the world, the first global economy and one of the most diversified markets in the world.

Additionally, the United States has 329 million consumers with high purchasing power and was the main recipient of international investment (15.9% of the world total) and the second issuer (9.5 percent).

According to Icex, the body that promotes exports from Spain, the United States has a very technologically advanced economy, well diversified and with a great weight in the service sector, which represents more than two thirds of GDP, excluding the public sector.

The industrial sector, which has been losing importance in recent years, represents 18.2% of total production and covers a wide range of sectors: telecommunications, electronics and computer equipment, chemistry, automobiles, etc.

Other business opportunities in the United States are found in the agricultural sector, although not very relevant in relative terms, it is highly productive.

Likewise, the high percentage of GDP corresponding to private consumption, 68% in 2019.

Business opportunities in the United States

The American economy is characterized by its flexibility. The participation of the public sector in economic activity is quite low.

Icex also highlights that the country makes considerable investments in research and development, has a very flexible labor market and a great availability of capital, which allows it to position itself at a very high technological level, especially in sectors such as information technology, medicine, aerospace, and military technology.

A fact of particular interest to Mexico regarding business opportunities in the United States is that in recent decades there has been a shift in the weight of the US economy from the east coast and the Great Lakes area to the south of the country. and the west coast.

The top 11 metropolitan areas in the United States, according to the 2010 Census, are: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas, Philadelphia, Miami, Houston, Washington D.C., Atlanta, Boston, and San Francisco.


The New York metropolitan area, with 18.8 million inhabitants, is the most populous in the country. The city is an important communications hub, commercial center and financial services. Traditionally, sectors such as consumer goods and fashion have flourished.

For its part, within the business opportunities in the United States, Los Angeles and its environment, with 12.6 million, continues in importance to New York. In its surroundings is the audiovisual and cinema sector.

The Chicago metropolitan area is the largest in the Great Lakes region with a population of 8.9 million. A large part of the agricultural marketing and processing activity is located in its surroundings, being also an important financial center for the trade of commodities.

Meanwhile, Dallas already has more than 6.4 million inhabitants and the Houston area 6.2 million. The Dallas-Fort Worth-Houston triangle concentrates most of the North American petroleum and petrochemical industry.

The Atlanta area, with 5.3 million inhabitants, has become a new industrial and service center.

Finally, another business opportunity in the United States is in San Francisco and its environment, with 4.3 million inhabitants, covers Silicon Valley, is the center of new technologies and has the largest wine-growing area in the United States. Like the rest of California, it is an important area of ​​agricultural activity.

