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CAAAREM and ANAM outline the signing of an anti-corruption agreement

15 julio, 2022
La CAAAREM y la ANAM perfilan la firma de un acuerdo anticorrupción. CAAAREM and ANAM outline the signing of an anti-corruption agreement.

The Confederation of Customs Brokers of the Mexican Republic (CAAAREM) and the National Customs Agency of Mexico (ANAM) are outlining the signing of an anti-corruption agreement.

The agreement was first proposed by CAAAREM at its National Congress of Customs Brokers, held in Boca del Río, Veracruz.

Hours later, Citlalli Navarro, ANAM’s General Director of Customs Planning, welcomed the proposal verbally and in general.

At the same event, Luis Ernesto Rodriguez, president of CAAAREM, said that one of the main challenges facing Mexico in the sector is to create a greater and more efficient logistics infrastructure for foreign trade given the growth in imports and exports, while, secondly, there is also the fight against corruption.

Navarro said that one of the practical advantages of this type of agreement is the exchange of information between both parties.

In order to combat corruption and increase security in Mexico’s customs and ports, on December 7, 2020, the Organic Law of the Federal Public Administration, the Maritime Navigation and Commerce Law and the Ports Law were amended to transfer some of the powers of the Ministry of Communications and Transportation, including the administration and surveillance of maritime and port security, to the Ministry of the Navy.


Likewise, the Federal Tax Prosecutor’s Office (PFF) and CAAAREM, signed on December 10, 2021 a collaboration agreement to combat tax evasion, smuggling and corruption in foreign trade.

With the aim of improving tax collection, facilitating trade, increasing the efficiency of customs and inspection services and strengthening national security, on July 14, 2021, the Decree creating ANAM as a deconcentrated administrative body of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation.

This decree provides ANAM with technical, operational, administrative and management autonomy, and grants it the status of tax and customs authority and powers to issue resolutions.


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