18th of March, 2025

Portada » Camimex companies invest 1,500 million pesos in training

Camimex companies invest 1,500 million pesos in training

27 enero, 2021
The companies affiliated with the Mining Chamber of Mexico (Camimex) allocated 1,500 million pesos to training and staff development programs in 2019.

The companies affiliated with the Mining Chamber of Mexico (Camimex) allocated 1,500 million pesos to training and staff development programs in 2019.

Comparatively, this is higher than the resources allocated to Federal Government programs such as the Strengthening of Educational Quality with 1,282 million pesos.

In 2019, companies affiliated to Camimex invested an average annual 47 man-hours in training for non-unionized personnel and 49 hours for unionized personnel.


«It is of great importance to offer employees the necessary tools for better job performance and professional performance and to contribute to increasing efficiency and competitiveness in mining operations,» said the Chamber in its 2020 Sustainability Report.

The Chamber groups a total of 123 operating units that have a presence in 696 communities belonging to 212 municipalities of 24 entities of the Mexican Republic and that represent 90% of the value of the mining that operates in Mexico.