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Portada » Canifarma: military personnel require customs training

Canifarma: military personnel require customs training

11 junio, 2021
La Cámara Nacional de la Industria Farmacéutica (Canifarma) de México puso énfasis en que el personal militar en las aduanas requiere capacitación continua. Mexico's National Chamber of the Pharmaceutical Industry (Canifarma) emphasized that military personnel in customs require ongoing training.

Mexico’s National Chamber of the Pharmaceutical Industry (Canifarma) emphasized that military personnel in customs require ongoing training.

In July 2020, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced that the Mexican Navy (Secretariat of the Navy, SEMAR) would take over the management of customs facilities in Mexican federal ports, in addition to his current role as Port Captain. in each port.

Mexico’s port system has 24 Comprehensive Port Authorities (API), which cover more than 40 cargo and passenger ports on the country’s Pacific, Atlantic and Gulf coasts.

Of these, there are 16 international commercial cargo and passenger ports in the federal system.

On the Gulf Coast, these ports are Altamira, Tampico, Tuxpan, Veracruz, Coatzacoalcos, Dos Bocas and Progreso. On the Pacific coast are Ensenada, Guaymas, Topolobampo, Mazatlán, Puerto Vallarta, Manzanillo, Lázaro Cárdenas, Salina Cruz and Puerto Madero.

Among other observations and in this context, Canifarma has stated that international trade is a very dynamic sector that must be managed with the highest professionalism, transparency and legality, with specialized structures


Regarding the processes and the beginning of the changes in the commands, La Canifarma urged to verify that the military personnel were trained on the release times of medicines or raw materials that require storage conditions in cold chain conditions or sterile conditions.

The above, so that the corresponding dispatches are carried out with the greatest diligence and in accordance with the conditions that these products require.

The Chamber also stated that when the Army intervenes in cases such as the review of “tactical points”, if it is too late in the release, a product could be lost due to not having the appropriate conditions.

For Canifarma, a military man does not have administrative preparation and the training time takes just time, but it is important to promote the training of these military personnel who now serve as administrative personnel so that they understand the handling of supplies and processes for the pharmaceutical sector.

In addition, Canifarma recommended promoting the use of technology to simplify processes.

Finally, the Chamber considers that soldiers obey orders, hence the importance of doing this work of convincing the Chiefs or high commanders because if these requests are handled at an operational level, they will not proceed, since the Army works very differently from a civil body.