9th of March, 2025

Portada » Casas Javer reaches 7.7% of Infonavit loans for new housing

Casas Javer reaches 7.7% of Infonavit loans for new housing

3 julio, 2020
Los préstamos hipotecarios y la construcción de viviendas han disminuido considerablemente en muchos países. Mortgage lending and housing construction have declined sharply in many countries.

Casas Javer had a 7.7% market share in the Infonavit credit system for new housing at the end of 2019.

Likewise, the company obtained a market share of 29.1% in Aguascalientes, 19.6% in Nuevo León, 16.9% in Jalisco, 14.9% in Estado de México, 7.4% in Quintana Roo, 2.5% in Querétaro and 2.2% in Tamaulipas.

Casas Javer achieved 2.9% market share in Guanajuato, with a single project as of June 2019.

Infonavit distributed approximately 57.4% of the loans for new housing during 2019 in the states where Casas Javer has a presence.

Javer Corporate Services subsidiary, Casas Javer specializes in the construction of low-income housing, middle-income housing and residential housing.

Casas Javer began operations in 1973 in the city of Monterrey, Nuevo León, where its corporate offices are located.

Javer has a presence in eight states of the Mexican Republic: Aguascalientes, State of Mexico, Jalisco, Nuevo León, Querétaro, Quintana Roo, Tamaulipas, adding Guanajuato, since the company started its first project in the state during 2019.

Casas Javer

Likewise, he ventured into Mexico City with his first vertical-residential project in 2016, and is currently working on his second project.

Javer Corporate Services financial results

In 2019, the company sold 15,716 units, of which 11.9% corresponded to affordable housing, 79.0% to average housing and 9.1% to residential housing.

Javer has written units in more than 60 developments, which are located in 34 municipalities, including the metropolitan area of ​​the city of Monterrey. Infonavit is the main source of credits for the company’s clients, in 2019 91.9% of the units sold were financed through financing or co-financing from the Institute. The remaining 8.1% of the units were sold through Fovissste credits, from financial institutions or cash.

