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Portada » CFE: budget investment for 2023

CFE: budget investment for 2023

8 septiembre, 2022
La CFE contaría con una inversión presupuestal de 38,899.6 millones de pesos para 2023. The CFE would have a budget investment of 38,899.6 million pesos by 2023.

The Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) would have a budget investment of 38,899.6 million pesos for 2023, if its proposed item in the Federal Expenditure Budget Bill is approved.

These resources would be used in the construction of electric infrastructure, maintenance and acquisition of equipment for generation, transmission and distribution processes, as well as various commercial and corporate projects.

Of the above amount, 16,765.5 million pesos will be invested for the maintenance of generating plants and mobile emergency units, 290.6 million pesos for Rehabilitation, Modernization and Repowering of hydroelectric plants.

The above investments will reduce electricity generation costs and increase CFE’s participation in the Wholesale Electricity Market, guaranteeing higher levels of efficiency and reliability.

For the transmission process, 9,775.5 million pesos will be allocated to programs for the maintenance of transmission links and substations; acquisition of specialized and transportation equipment; as well as the construction of the projects instructed by the Ministry of Energy (Sener), including the implementation of the Intelligent Electric Network, Reduction in the Short Circuit Level of the Electric Network of the Monterrey Metropolitan Area and Dynamic Reactive Power Compensation in the Bajío region.


At the same time, in distribution, 8,430.9 million pesos will be allocated for various projects instructed by Sener, some of them shared with the CFE Transmission EPS. In addition, it is intended to provide maintenance to the General Distribution Networks and substations.

Some outstanding projects are the Operational Efficiency in the RGD, through the Reduction of Technical Losses and the Acquisition of Connections and Meters.

Regarding the CFE Telecommunications and Internet for All EPS, we plan to continue with the expansion of its infrastructure through the execution of the following projects: CFE TEIT’s National Access and Aggregation Network and the Public Telecommunications Network.

On the other hand, in the Report referred to in Article 99 of the CFE Law, it was estimated that the sales of EPS CFE Suministrador de Servicios Básicos will grow at an average annual rate of 1.34% in GWh and 3.68% in accrued income for the next few years.

CFE SSB’s estimated sales for 2023 are 212 TWh, which will generate revenues of Ps. 402,316 million.


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