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Portada » CFE operates with 159 plants and 33 independent energy producers

CFE operates with 159 plants and 33 independent energy producers

16 diciembre, 2020
Una de las principales ventajas no basadas en el mercado que reciben la CFE y Pemex frente a las empresas privadas en México está relacionada con el acceso al capital. One of the main non-market based advantages that CFE and Pemex receive over private companies in Mexico is related to access to capital.

As of September 2020, the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) had a generation infrastructure of 58,976,698 MW of Real Installed Capacity, operating with 159 own plants and 33 of Independent Energy Producers (PIE).

At the time, the CFE also had 477 own generating units, in addition to 100 PIE (94 combined cycle and the six packages of the Oaxaca Wind Power Plants that are made up of 410 units), obtaining an accumulated Gross Generation as of September of 172,864,574 GWh (includes Energy Delivered by PIEs).

CFE and fuels

This productive state company informs that the brake on the mobility of people in its different aspects: recreational, labor, cultural, educational, medical, among others, both within cities and between localities, regions and countries, as well as the closure temporary activity of non-essential activities, have caused the demand for fuels to fall to levels never seen before, so the price has also fallen as a result of the supply of fuels remaining at levels prior to the pandemic crisis .

During the period of adjustment between the supply of fuels and the demand, he adds, it is estimated that the price of energy will continue to decline.

The drop in fuel consumption due to SARS-COV-2 has pushed down the prices of fuels in general at the global level, both for oil and gas, presenting historical lows in recent years, with gas being the main input for CFE.

As of December 2019, a total of 34,596 million m3 of natural gas were acquired both in the national and international markets, which represented the main expense item of the company.

Power plants of the company

If the downward trend in fuel prices continues, the fuel bill could be significantly reduced for the State Productive Company, generating savings in this regard.