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Portada » CNA: Mexico is ready for retaliation against the US

CNA: Mexico is ready for retaliation against the US

3 septiembre, 2020
Bosco de la Vega, president of the National Agricultural Council (CNA), said Mexico would retaliate if the United States imposes tariffs that violate international trade rules against Mexican fruits and vegetables.

Bosco de la Vega, president of the National Agricultural Council (CNA), said Mexico would retaliate if the United States imposes tariffs that violate international trade rules against Mexican fruits and vegetables.

This decision, he said, has the consensus of deputies and senators of Mexico and members of the CNA.

De la Vega explained that Mexico will defend, as it has done in the past, the interests of Mexican producers if the United States imposes unilateral restrictive seasonal measures directed at certain exports of Mexican fruits and vegetables.

For the CNA, bilateral trade is in a reasonable balance, with the United States forecast in 2020 to export $ 19.8 billion in agricultural products to Mexico and import $ 27 billion from Mexico.

On a per capita basis, this means that Mexico is spending roughly twice per person on agricultural imports from the United States than the United States is spending on agricultural imports from Mexico.


The entry into force of the Free Trade Agreement between the United States, Mexico and Canada (USMCA) on July 1, 2020 marked a milestone for North American trade, establishing a clear roadmap for the future of relations commercials for the next 16 years.

Mexico’s agricultural trade with its USMCA trading partners increased fivefold from $ 9.5 billion in 1994 to $ 53.772 million in 2019.

The United States is now Mexico’s main destination for its agricultural exports, which were 30.945 million in 2019.

From the CNA’s perspective, bilateral agricultural trade between Mexico and the United States has proven to be a solid foundation for trade.

As the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) says on its website, “agricultural trade between the United States and Mexico is largely complementary, meaning that the United States tends to export commodities other than what Mexico exports. To united states.

“Grains, oilseeds, meat, and related products account for about three-quarters of US agricultural exports to Mexico.

“(United States agricultural imports from Mexico) are closely tied to Mexico’s historical experience in the production of alcoholic beverages and a wide range of fruits and vegetables and its growing seasons, which largely complement those of the United States. . »