Coca-Cola FEMSA, the largest public bottler of Coca-Cola products in the world in terms of sales volume, added 400 new routes in 2021.
With this, the company already has more than 1,200 routes.
Coca-Cola FEMSA also began the digital transformation of the same routes for the Coca-Cola en tu Hogar omnichannel solution, linking directly with its consumers through the platforms to take orders on its portal and by chatbot.
Thanks to these increased routes, digital enablers, and portfolio initiatives, its home delivery routes rapidly improved their productivity, average ticket, and sales.

Resultados financieros de Coca-Cola FEMSA
During 2021, the company increased the average ticket through the increase in the product mix, not including jug, to almost 50 percent.
As home consumption occasions and preferences change, the company continues to expand home delivery routes, portfolio strategies and digital initiatives to serve the evolving needs of nearly 600,000 households in Mexico.
The company is developing and customizing complementary indirect distribution models to increase service levels to its small store customers.
This is reflected in double-digit growth in emerging indirect channels such as wholesalers and distributors.
Thanks to a clear segmentation and category management strategy, the wholesale channel had a double-digit growth in volume, in relation to the previous year.
The company also advanced in the process of transforming its distributors, covering almost 30% of the total volume of this channel during 2021.
Coca-Cola FEMSA
In Brazil, as consumers reconfigured their online shopping patterns and preferences, the company accelerated its growth and first-mover advantage in the digital sales channel. From purely electronic players to electronic retailers.
There, the company has expanded its digital consumption experience to reach an incidence rate of 17% in food aggregators -a benchmark for the Coca-Cola system worldwide- and a share of more than 70% among electronic retailers in the country.
As a result, its sales volume through the increasingly important digital sales channel grew almost 50% year over year.
By focusing on its fundamentals – delivering operational excellence, developing a winning consumer-centric portfolio, driving affordability to better serve consumer demands, and facilitating the transformation of distribution routes – Guatemala has increased its execution index score of The Coca-Cola Company, expanding its share of sales and generating a compound annual growth rate in volume of more than 11% in the last four years.
Consequently, Guatemala now represents its fourth largest market in terms of revenue.