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Cofece approves concentration between Alpura and GEPP

2 diciembre, 2020
The Federal Economic Competition Commission (Cofece) authorized a concentration between Grupo GEPP and Livestock Producers of Pure Milk (Alpura).

The Federal Economic Competition Commission (Cofece) authorized a concentration between Grupo GEPP and Livestock Producers of Pure Milk (Alpura).

On February 20, 2020, a contract was signed between the two companies for the commercialization of Alpura dairy products in the traditional channels and home of Grupo GEPP in the Mexican Republic.

Subsequently, on June 23, 2020, Grupo Gepp and Alpura notified Cofece of their intention to carry out a concentration, in accordance with the provisions of article 90 of the Federal Law on Economic Competition (LFCE).

Grupo Gepp is a bottler of non-alcoholic beverages that is part of the Cultiba Organization businesses.


Grupo GEPP produces, sells and distributes nationwide a wide variety of carbonated and non-carbonated beverages, including sodas, juices, bottled water and other non-alcoholic beverages, such as iced tea, flavored waters, energy drinks and isotonic drinks, colas, colas diet and orange drinks; Likewise, it sells 10.1 and 20-liter jugs of water through its distinctive direct delivery distribution system primarily to consumers’ homes.

Grupo GEPP produces, sells and distributes world-renowned brands such as Pepsi Cola, Pepsi Light, Seven Up, Lipton, Mirinda and Gatorade.

The GEPP Group has also developed its own portfolio with its own or contributed brands that distinguish carbonated and non-carbonated beverages and jugs of water, such as Epura, Electropura, and Santorini. In certain niche markets, Grupo GEPP distributes some third-party brands in some regions, such as juices and nectars under the Cosecha Pura brand, juice-based drinks under the Jumex Frutzzo and Jumex Fresh brands, and carbonated drinks under the Jarritos brands. , Barrilitos, Squirt and Canada Dry.

For its part, Alpura is a Mexican dairy company based in Mexico City, with milk producers from Chihuahua, Hidalgo, Tlaxcala, Puebla, Querétaro and Guanajuato. It was founded in 1972.

Cofece authorized the merger between the two companies on October 29, 2020.

In general, Cofece is the autonomous constitutional body of the Mexican State, whose mandate is established in article 28 of the Political Constitution.

Cofece has the responsibility of monitoring, promoting and guaranteeing competition and free competition in the country, so that markets work efficiently, in favor of consumers.