9th of March, 2025

Portada » Collection from foreign trade operations grows 19% in Mexico

Collection from foreign trade operations grows 19% in Mexico

4 octubre, 2022
La recaudación por operaciones de comercio exterior en México registró un crecimiento interanual de 19.2% en el primer semestre de 2022. The collection from foreign trade operations in Mexico recorded a year-on-year growth of 19.2% in the first half of 2022.

The collection of foreign trade operations in Mexico recorded a 19.2% year-on-year growth in the first half of 2022, to 38,272 million pesos.

In order to contribute to the institution’s goals, the annual foreign trade tax program is focused on increasing collection through automation and the development of data models to improve and make processes more efficient.

Recaudación por operaciones de comercio exterior Enero-junio. Millones de pesos.

On the other hand, on June 17, 2021, the SAT Mobile app was released in the App Store and Play Store, which offers SAT procedures and services in a personalized space for taxpayers, through their RFC and Password.

Among other facilities, the application allows to obtain the Tax Identification Card (CIF), Tax Status Certificate (CSF) and information from the RFC registry, e.firma certificates and active digital stamps.

It also allows consulting and downloading other SAT applications (such as SAT ID and SAT verifier), as well as accessing procedures and services such as portable e.firma, indicators, tutorials, code verifier, tax calendar, news and tax guidance through MarcaSAT, FAQs, one-to-one chat and messages from cell phones or tablets.


During the first half of 2022, 905,845 downloads of the application have been identified, representing an increase of 316% of the total registered during the period from June to December 2021 (217,595 downloads), which means a total of 1 million 123,440 downloads of the application in stores since its release.

From January to June of the current year, a total of 1 million 878,829 taxpayer accesses to the main sections of the application were recorded.

Also during the first half of 2022, a total of 20 million 869,627 services were provided, taking into account all the procedures carried out at SAT offices and those carried out through the SAT ID platform.

During the same period of 2021, a total of 7 million 110,452 procedures were carried out by the same means, which represents an increase of 13 million 759,175 services.


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