The collection in the customs of Mexico added 870,020 million pesos in 2020, a year-on-year decrease of 13.6%, according to data from the SHCP.
This collection corresponds to the cash flow from foreign trade operations.
Likewise, the statistical information on collection considers only the cash flow and does not consider virtual forms of payment and special certificates (public and/or private).

Customs and its powers
For this, allusion is made to article 144 of the Customs Law, in order to refer in a general way some of the powers in customs matters that fall within the SHCP, which are transferred to the SAT and, in turn, to the General Administration of Customs, who is assisted in its compliance and whose powers are established in article 19 of the Internal Regulations of the Tax Administration Service (RISAT):
- Check that the import and export of merchandise, the accuracy of the data contained in the pedimentos, declarations or statements, the correct payment of contributions and benefits and compliance with non-tariff regulations and restrictions, are carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Law.
- Practice customs recognition of goods.
Customs operation
Customs recognition is the examination or review of the goods, as well as their samples, carried out by the authorities to obtain elements that help to ensure the veracity of what has been declared before the customs authority, as well as compliance with the provisions that tax and regulate the entry or exit of merchandise from the national territory.
At the same time, this review in customs can be carried out physically or with the support of non-intrusive technological review equipment such as x-rays, gamma rays, among others.
- Inspect and monitor, as well as review, permanently exclusively, the handling, transport or possession of the merchandise in the fiscal and supervised enclosures, for which it may be supported by the systems, technological equipment, or any other means or service with which it is count.
- Determine taxes on foreign trade.
- Order and practice the precautionary embargo of goods and the means in which they are transported.
- Establish the nature, characteristics, tariff classification, origin and value of the import and export merchandise.
- Direct and operate the customs services room at international airports, regarding the entry and exit of merchandise and means of transport from the national territory; the customs clearance and the facts and acts that derive from it or from said entry or exit, as well as the monitoring of compliance with the respective obligations.
- Check the commission of infractions and impose the corresponding sanctions.