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Compañía Minera Cuzcatlán ventures into solar energy

20 septiembre, 2021
Compañía Minera Cuzcatlán, filial de la empresa canadiense Fortuna Silver, informó que incursionó en la producción de energía solar en su unidad minera de San José, en Oaxaca, México. Compañía Minera Cuzcatlán, a subsidiary of the Canadian company Fortuna Silver, reported that it ventured into the production of solar energy at its San José mining unit in Oaxaca, Mexico.

Compañía Minera Cuzcatlán, a subsidiary of the Canadian company Fortuna Silver, reported that it ventured into the production of solar energy at its San José mining unit in Oaxaca, Mexico.

It is energy for self-consumption and the generation comprises 72 solar panels with a system capacity of 30kWh.

The San José Mining Unit is located in San José del Progreso.

Like any photovoltaic energy project, the new generation will allow it to have more efficient energy consumption and contribute to the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions on the planet.

The San José mine, owned 100% by the subsidiary Compañía Minera Cuzcatlán de Fortuna Silver, produced 1 million 648,816 ounces of silver and 10,095 ounces of gold in the fourth quarter of 2020 with average head grades for silver and gold of 206 g/t 1.26 g/t, respectively.

With this, the production of silver and gold for the whole year amounted to 6 million 165,606 ounces and 37,805 ounces, respectively.

Likewise, the average head grades for silver and gold for the year were 224 g / t and 1.38 g / t, respectively.

Compañía Minera Cuzcatlán

The project, in a first stage, consisted of the installation of solar panels, which supply electricity to the administrative areas of the Unit for use in office equipment, lighting and systems, with which a saving of 105 tCO2 (tons greenhouse gases) annually.

As it is a scalable technology, its capacity could be expanded in the future to supply electricity to other common areas of the mining unit.

“With this clean energy project, Compañía Minera Cuzcatlán reaffirms its commitment to take advantage of natural resources efficiently; promote the use of renewable sources that do not generate waste that impact the environment, as well as collaborate in the gradual replacement of energy derived from fossil sources that emit greenhouse gases (GHG) ”, said the company in a statement.

Fortuna Silver Mines Inc. is a Canadian precious metals mining company with operations in Peru, Mexico and Argentina.