15th of January, 2025

Portada » Conavi concentrates agreements with Cemex

Conavi concentrates agreements with Cemex

3 junio, 2022
La Conavi tiene concentrados con Cemex convenios de colaboración con proveedores de materiales de construcción. Conavi has concentrated collaboration agreements with Cemex with suppliers of construction materials.

The National Housing Commission (Conavi) has concentrated with Cemex collaboration agreements with suppliers of construction materials.

While Conavi is an institution of the Mexican government that provides housing assistance to people who need it most, Cemex is the largest cement producer in the country.

To provide support and training to local suppliers of materials, also ensuring that they do not engage in practices that reduce the affordability of housing, Conavi signed 10 collaboration agreements with suppliers of construction materials with the aim of facilitating affordability.

These agreements were made within the framework of the Social Housing Program (PVS) and the National Reconstruction Program (PNR) with Cemex-Anro; Cemex-Codemun; Cemex-Green Developments; Cemex-Green Developments; Cemex-Holding and Cemex-Mavissa.

In terms of collaboration, Conavi supported with housing the population that needed to relocate because they live in areas to intervene with the strategic projects of the Federal Government, such as the Mayan Train, the Interoceanic Corridor, the Felipe Angeles International Airport (AIFA); or that it was affected by the earthquakes of September 7 and 19, 2017 and February 16, 2018.

Likewise, Conavi achieved the formalization of collaboration agreements with construction material companies; 21 agreements signed with federal entities and municipalities for the regularization of settlements with a population in a situation of social backwardness by the INSUS; 4 agreements signed with Veracruz, Campeche, Tabasco and Nogales, Sonora to add budgetary or in-kind resources for housing care by the Commission.


The main results obtained in fiscal year 2021 is the permanent update of the register of developers/providers of housing supply in order to inhibit bad practices and promote the efficiency and quality carried out by Fovissste.

In terms of collaboration, the Commission promoted the signing of the «Sedatu-Conavi-Infonavit-Fovissste-Insusfonhapo-SHF-RUV» Collaboration and Coordination agreement to support self-production with the aim of participating in work meetings for the exchange of experiences in the process of Social Production of Assisted Housing, mainly with regard to work with technical assistance and its performance, carrying out the activities committed to in the Work Program to promote the National Self-Production Strategy and sharing documentary information on sustainability. , the collaboration agreement between Sedatu and ONAVIs was signed for the exchange of statistical information that feeds the SNIIV.


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