9th of March, 2025

Portada » Container shipping drops to 92.4 points on world index

Container shipping drops to 92.4 points on world index

17 septiembre, 2020
Container shipping fell to 92.4 points in an index released this Thursday by the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Container shipping fell to 92.4 points in an index released this Thursday by the World Trade Organization (WTO).

In particular, this indicator is based on the index of container movement of the main international ports of the Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics (ISL, for its acronym in English).

In its previous mediations, container shipping registered 100.8 points in September 2019 and 94.3 points in March 2020.

The latest figures from the ISL Container Port Monitor indicate that overall container handling results for the current year are significantly below expectations at the beginning of the year.

While the handling of the 92 covered ports increased for the second time in a row to 41.6 million TEU / month in June, the figures for the first half of the year remain well below expectations.

However, compared to June of the previous year, this result represents a decrease of 4.5 percent.

In addition, for the seventh consecutive time, a negative result was obtained year-on-year.

Container shipping

A look at the semi-annual results also indicates that only a few regions can achieve positive annual performance; only ports in Africa and Latin America will see nearly balanced results, according to the ISL.

However, with market shares of 2.5% and 5.3% respectively, they contribute relatively little to container shipping in the world.

The main players in global maritime trade in China, Europe, the United States and the Japan / South Korea / Taiwan region show semi-annual results ranging from -4% (China) to -12% (United States-Pacific).

Container shipping is part of the WTO Barometer of Trade in Services.

Readings of 100 indicate growth in line with medium-term trends. Readings above 100 suggest growth above trend, while readings below 100 indicate the opposite.