4th of March, 2025

Portada » Conver requests continuation of anti-dumping duty on imports of balloons from China

Conver requests continuation of anti-dumping duty on imports of balloons from China

7 junio, 2023
Cover pide continuidad de cuota antidumping a importaciones de globos de China. Cover requests the continuation of the antidumping quota on imports of balloons from China. Cover demande le maintien du quota antidumping sur les importations de ballons en provenance de Chine. Cover pede a manutenção da cota antidumping nas importações de balões da China.

Convertidora Industrial (Conver) requested the Mexican Ministry of Economy to maintain an antidumping quota on imports of metallized plastic balloons originating from China.

Previously, on June 7, 2018, the Final Determination of the antidumping investigation on imports of metallized plastic balloons originating in China, regardless of the country of origin, was published in the Official Journal of the Federation (DOF).

By means of this Resolution, the Ministry of Economy determined to impose a final antidumping duty of 37.8 US dollars per kilogram.

More recently, on April 27, 2023, Conver expressed its interest in having the Ministry of Economy initiate the review of the validity of the definitive antidumping duty imposed on imports of these products.

For this purpose, Conver proposed a review period from January 1 to December 31, 2022.

In Mexico, the importers of these balloons are Comercializadora Mexico Americana, Convergram Mexico and Promociones Below 0.

Conver’s main activities include the purchase, sale, assembly, design, manufacture, conversion, transformation, processing, manufacture, import and export of all kinds of articles of any material usable for wrapping, containers, packaging and its derivatives, including all kinds of balloons, products and components for them.


The product under examination and the ex officio review is commercially known as metallized plastic balloons, metallic balloons or metallized balloons, which are containers of two-sided laminated flexible material, made of nylon or polyester, adhered all around their perimeter, except where they are inflated, by means of a polyethylene film.

They are also known as «foil balloons» and although aluminum is not an input for their manufacture, they are so called because of the aluminum appearance of the polyester or nylon when they have a metallic color.

There are balloons with non-metallic or matte colors, but they follow the same manufacturing process and use the same inputs; however, they are still commercially called «metallized plastic balloons» and that is how they are known in the industry and in the market.

For all of the above, the Ministry of Economy declared the initiation of the administrative proceeding of the sunset review and the ex officio review of the definitive antidumping duty imposed on imports of metallized plastic balloons from China, regardless of the country of origin, that enter through tariff items 9503.00.23 and 9505.90.99 of the TIGIE, or through any other.

The Ministry of Economy established as period of examination and ex officio review from January 1 to December 31, 2022, and as period of analysis from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2022.