12th of March, 2025

Portada » Development Pole for Texistepec’s Well-being

Development Pole for Texistepec’s Well-being

8 mayo, 2023
Polo de Desarrollo para el Bienestar Texistepec. Texistepec Development Pole for Wellbeing. Pôle de Développement pour le Bien-être Texistepec. Pólo de Desenvolvimento para o Bem-Estar Texistepec.

The Interoceanic Corridor of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec (CIIT) began the review process before the Conamer of the Agreement that aims to declare the Development Pole for the Wellbeing of Texistepec and delimit the geographical area of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec where it is located.

Conamer is the federal government agency in charge of promoting regulatory improvement policy in Mexico.

On the one hand, the area of 462-39-09.499 hectares, located in the municipalities of Texistepec and Jáltipan de Morelos, state of Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave, is declared as Polo de Desarrollo para el Bienestar Texistepec.

Also, the referred surface is the result of excluding from a General Polygonal, the rights of way corresponding to the Federal Highway 145D and the Railroad Line «Z», in accordance with the following construction charts and location sketch:

The property of the Polo de Desarrollo para el Bienestar Texistepec is adjacent to the Z line, in its Medias Aguas, Veracruz-Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz section.

On the other hand, the property of the Polo de Desarrollo para el Bienestar Texistepec has a strategic location, because it has road frontage on the MEX-145D Highway, in the section corresponding to the La Tinaja-Cosoleacaque Highway and has potential connectivity to other national or international markets due to its location 37 km from the Port of Coatzacoalcos and 39.6 km from the International Airport of Minatitlán.

Development Pole for Texistepec’s Well-being

This pole is located in the municipality of Texistepec, Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave, whose neighboring municipalities are: Soconusco, Jáltipan de Morelos, Hidalgotitlán, Jesús Carranza, Sayula de Alemán and Oluta, all in the same federal entity.

According to the 2020 Population and Housing Census, the total population of the municipalities mentioned in the above paragraph is greater than 50,000 inhabitants.

Another point in favor is that the National Institute of Indigenous Peoples by means of official letter CGDI/2021/OF/1320 issued an opinion on the inappropriateness of the indigenous consultation in the property destined to the Polo de Desarrollo para el Bienestar Texistepec.

For the development of productive activities in the Polo de Desarrollo para el Bienestar Texistepec, the following are productive, priority and potential vocations:

  1. Electrical and electronics.
  2. Semiconductors.
  3. Automotive (electromobility), auto parts and transportation equipment.
  4. Medical devices.
  5. Pharmaceuticals.
  6. Agribusiness.
  7. Electric power generation and distribution equipment (clean energy).
  8. Machinery and equipment.
  9. Information and communication technologies.
  10. Metals.
  11. Petrochemicals.

The property was acquired by Corredor Interoceánico del Istmo de Tehuantepec, through a Purchase and Sale.

The property is evidenced by legal instruments dated December 28, 2020 and March 23, 2023, both notarized before the Notary Public No. 6 of the Twentieth District in the State of Veracruz and the Federal Real Estate Patrimony.

The property is free of liens and does not owe any municipal services.