9th of March, 2025

Portada » Digital technologies: more relevant for companies with Covid-19

Digital technologies: more relevant for companies with Covid-19

7 julio, 2020
La Representación Comercial de Estados Unidos (USTR) impuso y suspendió inmediatamente aranceles a importaciones de servicios digitales desde seis países. The United States Trade Representation (USTR) immediately imposed and suspended tariffs on imports of digital services from six countries.

Digital technologies will be key in the new business operating model, according to a recent report by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).

This will occur, first of all, in the operations of promotion, sale and delivery of goods and services, and in interaction with suppliers.

Secondly, companies will have to incorporate capacities to acquire and process large amounts of information or big data (big data) for their decision-making processes (monitoring and adaptation to changes in demand, but also the redefinition of supply chains). supply).

Finally, according to ECLAC, it is reasonable to expect a greater incorporation of digital interconnection devices in production processes, as well as a greater use of robotics to increase efficiency, especially taking into account that health security needs may lead to employing fewer workers in some stages of production.

Digital technologies

In companies, the pandemic has forced to modify the security conditions for their workers, suppliers and customers, as well as the way they relate to each other.

Social distancing has accelerated digital transformation and promoted processes that seek increases in productivity and efficiency.

In an environment of rapid change and marked uncertainty, many companies have been forced to innovate, re-evaluate the way they operate and change their business models.

This involves building capacities to quickly identify changes in consumer preferences and ensure that the supply chain and services offered are consistent with those changes.

It also means incorporating the idea that «health security» can become an important factor in improving products and services.

Permanent changes

The measures adopted by the countries to face the health emergency have led to an increase in the use of digital technologies by companies in their relationships with consumers, suppliers and employees, as well as in the organization of internal management processes.

Many of these changes in technologies will continue after the emergency as well, particularly those associated with consumer behavior.

The adoption of security protocols in companies represents an increase in costs.

Companies will have to make investments to reorganize work environments, common spaces (dining rooms and cafeterias, for example) and sanitary facilities.

Furthermore, according to ECLAC, it is likely that they will have to improve and expand their equipment for the use of digital technologies in order to implement a hybrid model of teleworking and face-to-face activities. These investments will lead to an increase in fixed costs.

At the same time, the increased use of sanitary and cleaning products implies higher variable costs.

