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Portada » Economic reopening of Mexico: the plan launched today

Economic reopening of Mexico: the plan launched today

13 mayo, 2020
Nota Destacada
The President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, reported on Wednesday the plan for economic reopening, as well as socially and culturally.

The President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, reported on Wednesday the plan for economic reopening, as well as socially and culturally.

The plan has three stages, one that begins on May 18, one of preparation and the third that is on June 1, when the National Sana Distancia Day ends, informed the Secretary of Economy, Graciela Márquez.

“The first stage will be in the so-called municipalities of hope, those that do not have contagion or neighborhood with contagious municipalities; the second stage will be from May 18 to 31, and the third stage, from June 1 with traffic lights by regions, «said the official.

The municipalities of La Esperanza are 269 in 15 states, so in the coming days there will be an implementation of sanitary fences; There, from May 18, the school activity, the public and work space will be open.

«In the preparation stage we will disclose the protocols that must be followed to ensure a safe return to activities, workers and companies will be trained,» added Marquez.

The traffic light will have four colors: red, orange, yellow and green, and will have five categories: public health and work measures, work activities, activities in public space, activities for vulnerable people and work activities.

Economic reopening

The Ministry of Economy reported that when the traffic light is red, only essential activities will be allowed, adding mining, construction and transportation manufacturing. The orange traffic light allows more activities to be carried out. Essential and non-essential activities may be carried out.

The yellow traffic light implies an expansion of activities to be done, all essential and non-essential activities can be operated without restriction, although there will be restrictions in open and closed spaces.

The green light implies following Public Health and Work measures, it will allow all essential and non-essential activities, activities in public spaces, and classes resume normally.

The Ministry of Health will announce weekly the traffic light in which the state is located.

The President was accompanied by Jorge Alcocer, head of the SSA; Hugo López-Gatell, Undersecretary of the SSA; Esteban Moctezuma, Secretary of Education; Graciela Márquez, head of the Ministry of Economy; Luisa María Alcalde, Secretary of Labor; Claudia Sheinbaum, head of government of the CDMX; Alfredo del Mazo, Governor of the State of Mexico; Alejandro Murat, Governor of Oaxaca; Carlos Joaquín González, Governor of Quintana Roo.


The COVID-19 poses great challenges for the economic reopening, due to the risks to the health of employees, who may become ill and infect third parties.

Globally, concern has resurfaced from a second wave of infections, after the beginning of the week confirmed a resurgence of cases in Germany and South Korea, so governments are analyzing more carefully the economic reopening of each one of the countries.

Finally, the economic reopening is crucial for Mexico, as it is one of the economies with a sharp fall in its economy, according to analyst projections.

