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Electricity: CFE builds 2 generation plants

2 mayo, 2022
La CFE tenía en proceso de construcción dos centrales de generación, bajo la modalidad de obra pública financiada. The CFE had two generation plants under construction, under the financed public works modality.

At the end of December 2021, the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) of Mexico had two generation plants under construction, under the financed public works modality.

These works represent a joint contractual investment of 445.9 million dollars and a joint generation capacity of 622.7 MW.

Also, as of December 2021, the CFE had two substation and line projects under construction under the OPF scheme.

The works represent goals for 88.3 km-C, 780.0 MVA, 18.0 MVAr and 25 feeders.

These projects add up to a joint contractual investment of 108.2 million dollars.

Power generation plants under construction as of December 2021

At the same time, in the Budgetary Public Works (OPP) modality, contracts with CFE Transmission, CFE Distribution and CFE Generation, CFE Supplier of Services, Corporate – GEIC and Permit Holders, the CFE built 628 substation and line works, which represent a joint capacity of 661.4 circuit kilometers, 2,410.0 Megavolts Ampere (MVA) and 212.1 Megavolts Ampere reactive (MVAr) and 233 feeders.

These projects total a total contractual investment of 470.4 million dollars.


On September 10, 2021, CENACE authorized the entry of Commercial Operation of the CC Centro Power Plant, corresponding to Financed Public Works, contributing with a capacity of 642.3 MW and a contract investment of 439.8 million dollars.

In addition, in 2021, the DCIPI-CFE concluded a project for substations and transmission lines, under the Pidiregas scheme.

The total length of the lines was 122.8 circuit kilometers (km-C). These works also added 500 MVA and 11 feeders and represent a contract investment of 31.0 million dollars.

Likewise, in the Budgetary Public Works (OPP) modality, corresponding to contracts with CFE Transmission, CFE Distribution, CFE Generation, CFE Supplier of Services and Permit Holders, at the end of 2021, 478 substation and line works were completed.

The total length of the lines was 579.6 circuit kilometers (km-C). These works also added 250.0 MVA, 34.7 megavolt amperes reactive (MVAr) and 67 feeders and total a contract investment of 79.7 million dollars.

The CFE was created in 1937 by presidential decree and later converted by the Congress of the Union in 1949 into a decentralized public agency of the federal government.

As part of the energy reform, the CFE was converted into a productive State company in October 2014, giving it greater technical, operational and budgetary autonomy to fulfill its purpose of creating economic value for the Mexican State.

The CFE had a net loss of 106,260 million pesos in 2021, an increase of 24% over 2020.


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