Total employed personnel in companies with IMMEX programs presented a fall of 2.1% year-on-year, INEGI reported this Monday.
Also, the indicator of hours worked in IMMEX companies fell 3.5% in September, year on year, while real average wages advanced 1.2% in the reference month.
The Monthly Statistics on Establishments with a Program for the Manufacturing, Maquiladora and Export Services Industry (IMMEX), shows the main characteristics and evolution of manufacturing and non-manufacturing establishments (number of active establishments, employed personnel, hours worked, wages and income, among other variables) recorded in this program.
The personnel employed in the establishments with this program showed an increase of 0.8% in September of the current year compared to the immediately previous month, with seasonally adjusted figures.
According to the type of establishment in which they work, in manufacturers it was higher by 0.8% and in non-manufacturers (which carry out activities related to agriculture, fishing, commerce and services) by 0.1% at a monthly rate.
The real average salaries paid to personnel hired directly by establishments with an IMMEX program had an increase of 0.3% in September 2020 compared to last August, according to seasonally adjusted data.
In a disaggregated manner, in manufacturing economic units they rose 0.3% and in non-manufacturing ones 0.2% in the period of one month.