22 de Octubre, 2024

Mexico increased its walnut exports by 11.7% in the first four months of this year, to 152.6 million dollars, according to data from the Ministry of Agriculture. In general, the demand for peanut and nut products is greatest during the last four months of the calendar year. As

One of the main factors in the drop in investment in mining exploration in Mexico is due to the elimination of the immediate deductibility of investments in this area, according to the Mexican Mining Chamber (Camimex). For this reason, it has maintained its demand to again allow 100%

China will hold the Third International Import Expo in Shanghai from November 5 to 10, 2020, the Chinese government reported. In total, 150 countries will participate in the event and it hopes to register purchases for 130,000 million dollars. In the second edition of the Expo, transactions were

Logistics for distribution of the vaccine and medication for Covid-19 is looming uncoordinated, according to an article released by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). Remarkable efforts are underway to ensure effective research and development (R&D) of Covid-19-related diagnoses, treatments and vaccines, including at the

The World Trade Organization (WTO) called to reestablish its Appellate Body and thus «avoid blocked rulings and unilateral retaliation.» The Appellate Body, the last instance for settling disputes, is composed of seven people and can confirm, modify or revoke the findings and legal conclusions of a court (panel);

The World Trade Organization (WTO) registered a 68% increase in notifications of Technical Barriers to Trade in 2019 compared to 2015, to reach 3,337. During this period, the data show an increasing trend, year by year, in this indicator. In a push for transparency, notifications continued to rise,

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