27 de Octubre, 2024

Gold demand by central banks and other institutions worldwide grew at a year-on-year rate of 152.3% in 2022, to 1,135.7 tonnes, according to data from the World Gold Council. In general, bullion banks provide a variety of services to the gold market and its participants, thus facilitating interactions

The United States is the world’s leading corn producer and exporter, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). For the 2022-23 crop year, the USDA estimates that the United States will produce approximately 30% of all corn worldwide, of which about 14% will be exported. For 2022-23,

Entre 2025 et 2030, la transition énergétique entraînera des investissements miniers mondiaux cumulés de 1 700 milliards de dollars. La CNUCED a souligné que cela représentait une grande opportunité pour des pays tels que la République démocratique du Congo, qui, en 2022, représentait 68% de la production minière

From 2025 to 2030, the energy transition will bring cumulative global mining investments of US$1.7 trillion. UNCTAD highlighted that this implies a great opportunity for countries such as the Democratic Republic of Congo, which in 2022 accounted for 68% of the world’s cobalt mine production and 48% of

The International Energy Agency‘s latest forecasts show for the first time that global demand for fossil fuels is peaking. Under current policies, UNCTAD reports, coal use would decline in the coming years, natural gas demand would stabilize in the late 2020s, and oil demand would peak in the

Broilers at Pilgrim’s Pride are fed corn and soybean meal, as well as certain vitamins and minerals. In 2022, corn, soybean meal and wheat accounted for approximately 46.1%, 35.2% and 4.6% of this company’s feed costs, respectively. Broiler production is significantly more feed efficient than cattle or hog

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