The revenues of mexican company Orbia reached an all-time high of US$9.6 billion in 2022, a 10% increase over 2021. In one of its businesses, Polymer Solutions, the production process begins with salt extraction, where water is injected into a salt dome, creating a brine. The brine is
Major FDI projects in Brazil include the construction of a palm mill and the Rio-Valadares highway, according to UNCTAD data. While Empresas Copec (Chile) is building the palm mill, the Rio-Valadares highway in Brazil is sponsored by EcoRodovias (Brazil) and Logistica (Italy). Brazil captured flows of 86.05 billion
Industrias Peñoles is comprised of 21 operating plants and is the world’s largest producer of refined silver and is the Latin American leader in the production of refined gold and lead. The company is also among the world’s leading producers of refined zinc and sodium sulfate. Through its
Vietnam expressed an approach to Mexico related to the term market economy in the World Trade Organization (WTO). In the case of centrally planned economies, the investigating agency in Mexico uses the price of similar goods in a market economy third country to calculate the dumping margin. Article
Regulations on e-commerce have certain differences between the Pacific Alliance and the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (CPTPP). In this sense, Mexico has a similar vision between the chapters on electronic commerce of both trade agreements, taking into consideration the progressive nature of these provisions and the continuous need to
The Mexican government published the draft Mexican Official Norm PROY-NOM-018-ASEA-2023, Liquefied Petroleum Gas Distribution Plants. This decree was published in the Official Journal of the Federation (DOF) on June 16, 2023. In general, it establishes the requirements and specifications for industrial safety, operational safety and environmental protection that