USTR argues that Mexico‘s instruction to gradually substitute GM corn used for other human consumption purposes and for animal feed (Substitution Instruction) violates the USMCA. The Corn Decree 2023 instructs Mexican authorities to gradually replace GM corn used for animal feed and human consumption other than for nixtamalization
The United States Trade Representative (USTR) released its arguments as to why it believes Mexico is violating the USMCA by restricting certain imports of GM corn. First, USTR says that Mexico violates Article 9.6.3 of the USMCA because it does not base its measures on relevant international standards,
Mexico and the United States initiated a dispute settlement panel on imports of transgenic corn under the Agreement between Mexico, the United States and Canada (USMCA). Pursuant to Articles 31.2 and 31.4 of the USMCA, the United States requested consultations with Mexico with respect to certain Mexican measures
In 2022, IT spending on enterprise software totaled approximately $783 billion worldwide, a growth of 7.1% over the previous year. According to Bell Rose Capital, software development is a fast-growing industry, which is expected to continue to experience future growth as more commercial enterprises shift their operations to
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) is the technology and cost leader in semiconductor manufacturing for a number of global technology companies, including Apple, Huawei and Qualcomm. TSMC’s technological and scale advantages have helped it gain market share over the past decade, making TSMC the dominant supplier of leading-edge
The world economy started this year on a stronger footing and is expected to grow moderately over the ECB’s projection horizon, with some rebound in 2025. In the first quarter of 2023, the global economy continued to be characterized by the major challenges of 2022, such as the