Remittances to Mexico have been an important support for Mexican households in the post-pandemic era, highlights an analysis by Banco Base. In the first 11 months of 2022, the cumulative flow of remittances entering Mexico was 53,138.63 million dollars, which meant an increase of 13.46% over the cumulative
The largest component of aggregate demand is private consumption, representing close to 70% of Mexico‘s GDP, according to Banco Base. According to the Monthly Indicator of Private Consumption in the Domestic Market published by INEGI, private consumption grew 7.11% in the first 10 months of 2022. With this,
The United States and Canada established a second dispute settlement panel on Canada’s dairy tariff-rate quota policies under the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). Canada allocates these quotas on a market share approach and imposes new conditions that effectively prohibit retailers, foodservice operators and other types of importers from
In terms of IEPS and ISR, Mexico grants the following tax and non-tax incentives to investments, according to information from the WTO. First and foremost, incentives with respect to the IEPS: Tax incentive to importers or alienators of turbosine consisting of an amount equivalent to 100% of the
Mexico grants the following tax and non-tax incentives to investments, according to information from the World Trade Organization (WTO). With respect to Value Added Tax (VAT): Exemption in the payment of VAT on the sale of goods made between residents abroad, provided that the goods have been exported
Tesla is analyzing the possibility of investing in a new plant located near the Felipe Ángeles International Airport (AIFA), Jesús Ramírez, spokesman for the Mexican Presidency, told Reuters. Mexico has 78 airports, 65 of which serve international passengers; AIFA was inaugurated in 2022. Mexico’s airports are currently operated