10 de Enero, 2025

Almost all subregions in Latin America and the Caribbean recorded positive variations in their containerized exports in the first half of 2022, compared to the same period in 2021, according to data from the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). To date, only the east

Le Mexique fait moins appel aux accords de libre-échange (ALE) car les entreprises s’appuient sur les programmes de promotion IMMEX et Prosec. Malgré le nombre important d’accords commerciaux conclus par le Mexique, le faible niveau des tarifs préférentiels négociés et le degré élevé de libéralisation des échanges envisagé

Mexico makes less use of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) because companies have IMMEX and Prosec promotion programs. Despite the significant number of trade agreements Mexico has, the low level of preferential tariffs negotiated and the high degree of trade liberalization contemplated (in some agreements it reaches 99 and

The United States became the world leader in Research and Development (R&D) in the 20th century, funding up to 69% of annual global R&D in the post-World War II period, according to a U.S. congressional analysis. Thus, U.S. R&D in 2020 was 83 times higher than in 1956

Intercam Banco published on Tuesday an analysis of the outlook for gold, silver, copper and zinc prices, which have shown strength. December saw another extension in the prices of most metals, indicating the entry into an expansionary phase. The reopening of China improved the outlook for metals, especially

At the end of the third quarter of 2022, Mexico’s importers’ registry had 122,311 active taxpayers, while the sector-specific importers’ registry had 31,357 taxpayers. Importers must be registered in the Federal Taxpayers Registry (RFC). In addition, any individual or legal entity that carries out import operations must be

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