Mexico has a total of 45,258 officially registered producers with organic certification, and coffee producers accounted for 87% of that total. The number of vegetable crop producers increased 14% from 2020 to 2021. Globally, the organic market offers enormous commercial and revenue potential for producers, processors and trading
Coffee, chicle, avocados and tomatoes are among the top organic products produced in Mexico, according to information from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Globally, according to Save Foods, the demand for organic products is growing rapidly, especially in Europe and North America, and is closely related
What are the main technical regulations and standards related to Mexico‘s international trade? The WTO ranks the answer below. To begin with, the Federal Law on Metrology and Standardization (LFMN) regulated the national quality system until mid-2020, when it was abrogated and replaced by the Quality Infrastructure Law
The World Trade Organization (WTO) evaluated Mexico‘s various export prohibitions, restrictions and licenses as follows. Mexico regulates exports of certain products to protect public health, morals, safety and public order; preserve the country’s non-renewable resources and those of historical value; and ensure the supply of consumer commodities and
The 10 most sold car models in Mexico from January to October 2022 accumulated 251,921 units, according to Inegi data. These models comprise 29.0% of the total number of light vehicles sold in the period. Nissan led the companies with the most car models marketed (4 of the
Among the various input costs, energy is key for most food products, with both direct (fuel) and indirect (chemicals, fertilizers, electricity) channels. The World Bank forecasts that prices in the three main natural gas hubs (Europe, the United States and Asia) will be on average 148, 71 and