France topped the ranking of the largest wine exporting countries in 2021, with foreign sales of 13.116 billion dollars, according to data from the World Trade Organization (WTO). With this, France registered a year-on-year growth in this indicator of 31% and broke a record. Other relevant exporters in
At customs in Brazil, in October 2018, a simplified import clearance process based on a single import declaration (DUIMP) was launched as a pilot project covering certain imports by sea. The DUIMP can be registered in the Integrated Foreign Trade System (SISCOMEX) prior to the shipment’s arrival at
Japan administers free trade zones or industrial development zones of international logistics centers in the Naha district (formerly qualified as a free trade zone) and in the Uruma/Okinawa district. According to information from the World Trade Organization (WTO), these are special economic zones governed by the Okinawa Special
Japan led exports of machines for semiconductor production worldwide in 2021, according to data from that nation’s Ministry of Finance. The full concept of those external veins is machines and apparatus for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or electronic integrated circuits. After totaling $12.02 billion in 2020, those
The Ministry of Economy identified 159 mining companies with foreign capital operating in 26 Mexican states (mostly juniors and exploration) in 2021. Those companies operate 1,209 projects, of which 822 were on hold and nine operations were reported to be closed at the end of last year. As
Shanghai, Singapore and Ningbo-Zhoushan were the world’s top container ports in 2020 and 2021, according to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). In 2021, according to Drewry Maritime Research, global container port traffic increased 6.8%, bringing the total volume to 857 million TEUs. Asia continued